
Excerpts from Petroglyphs

Look Inside

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Electromagnetic Fields

There is a harp in a field, that yields colors and sounds, ground for a spectrum of sense.

Where the field is everywhere, what is seen and not seen, not between or subjugated by fence.

Eine Kleine

I am awe, struck to the point of sobbing.
Was it the shrill note of the nuthatch
that connected my caffeine deprived nebula
to this other haze I call universe?

I have gazed at this gauze of infinite possibility
before, and then this this sudden shockwave,
this tsunami of nature, connecting notes from
moss, to stone, to web, to the chill of early
day, to the freshness of breath.


Who needs a brain,
or a heart, for that matter?
Unless you need to complain,
or store food to get fatter.

This slime mold fellow,
traverses a maze,
hunts a decaying tangelo,
on which it will graze.

emphasis, keyword hunt,
a conscious deliberation,
let me put it blunt, conscious
premeditated predation.

Monkey Song

What prince knows the magic color?
Honor is a monkey song.

You were born a red apple.
Sing the wind songs of a butterfly.
Look at love through antique mirrors.
You are a ghost whisperer
with black animal skin.

Down the Awe Tree

Here in the canopy,
life and consciousness abound.
Identity and diversity.
Where shade distinguishes form,
to be set apart from light.

You can just spend so much time here,
before you blend with the stars,
become faded by the sun,
become the fabric, not the garment.

About Double Mirage (From the Back Cover)

In this book of poetry, I divided my poems and vignettes into four collections. These poems are not as serious as the poems in my other two books, Double Mirage, and Death Mask.

The most serious of these collections are in ‘The Ground Zero Café’ and ‘Anyone’s Family Album.’ But even these collections have a healthy dose of whim. My café is based on a real coffeeshop called Hari Krishna’s Last Chance Saloon that used to be in the Kitsilano district of Vancouver, Canada. It took after the old beat generation meeting places, complete with artists, dissidents, and druggies sharing conversations while playing chess.

‘Anyone’s Family Album’ has a lot of poems about growing up, my family, and my first marriage. The cold war was a big deal for me as I was growing up. Most of the poems about my childhood reference those times, and some of these poems could have easily been classed as ‘Ground Zero.’

‘Down the Awe Tree’ is a celebration of the natural world and is the one that gave me the most joy to write.

And, finally, ‘Gift of the Highway’ which is all about my love of traveling and all the amazing things I’ve seen. I don’t know how many miles I have traveled, but surely that number is in six figures, and much of that was done on the highway.

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